SHTns 3.7
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
 Spherical Harmonic transform functions.All these function perform a global spherical harmonic transform
 GPU transforms.CUDA transforms working on GPU memory, without transfers, but NOT thread-safe
 Initialization functions.
 Fortran API.Call from fortran without the trailing '_'
 Pseudo-spectral rotations of Spherical Harmonic fields (deprecated).deprecated use Rotations of Spherical Harmonic fields. instead
 Special operatorsApply special operators in spectral space: multiplication by cos(theta), sin(theta).d/dtheta
 Local and partial evaluation of SH fields.These do only require a call to shtns_create, but not to shtns_set_grid
 Rotations of Spherical Harmonic fields.Rotation of spherical harmonics, using an on-the-fly algorithm (does not store the rotation matrix) inspired by the GUMEROV's algorithm to generate the Wigner-d matrices describing rotation of Spherical Harmonics